Nano Silver Oxide

Silver is quite a special element. It has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of all metals. As a noble metal, it is very corrosion-resistant. Still, it is more reactive than gold or platinum.
Reactivity and also conductivity involve surface effects. These areespecially interesting on the nano-scale when dimensions of the silver become extremely small and the surface-to-volume ratio increases strongly. The resulting efects and applications are manifold and have filled scientific books.
nano-silver absorbs light at a characteristic wavelength, which leads to a yellow color. This was first applied in the coloring of glassware hundreds of years ago. Without knowing the reasons, people grinded silver and gold to the nano-scale to give church windows a permanent, non-fading yellow and red color.
Silver Oxide (Ag2O) Nanopowder or Nanoparticles, nanodots or nanocrystals are spherical or faceted high surface area oxide magnetic nanostructure particles. Nanoscale Silver Oxide Particles are typically 80-20 nanometers (nm) with specific surface area (SSA) in the 50 - 10 m2 /g range and also available in with an average particle size of 100 nm range with a specific surface area of approximately 10- 7 m2 /g. Nano Silver Oxide Particles are also available in ultra high purity and high purity, transparent, and coated and dispersed forms.Nanofluids are generally defined as suspended nanoparticles in solution either using surfactant or surface charge technology. Nanofluid dispersion and coating selection technical guidance is also available. Other nanostructures include nanorods, nanowhiskers, nanohorns,nanopyramids and other nanocomposites. Surface functionalized nanoparticles allow for the particles to be preferentially adsorbed at the surface interface using chemically bound polymers.